This website is dedicated as a place where fellow Americans may convene to share in the celebration of the magnificent heritage of our great nation. We recognize the need for eternal vigilance to defend against the constant threat from those who seek to undermine our God given rights as so eloquently inscribed by our Founders into the nation’s founding charter, the United States Constitution.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It's Official - Marco Rubio is NOT a Natural Born Citizen

Naturalization Petition for Mario Rubio issued by the National Archives

Marco Rubio is not now and never can be a Natural Born Citizen because his parents were not citizens at the time he was born precluding him from eligibility for President or Vice-President of the United States as set forth in the U.S. Constitution: 

Article II  Section I  Clause V
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
Rubio Naturalization Petition CERTIFIED from National Archives

Also, as previously reported here:

Andy Martin (R) has already filed his Presidential candidacy papers with the Federal Election Commission and announced his candidacy, even though he is not a Natural Born Citizen either.

Ralph Bernard Martin-Trigona_NARA

The main stream media and news organizations all across the country are brazen in their attempts to subvert the Constitution.  They are now completely complicit and actively engaged in undermining the rule of law by aiding and abetting a usurper to the Office of the Presidency...which is a crime.

Listen at the 2:50 mark where Sean Hannity purposefully says you have to be a NATURALIZED citizen to be President.  Sean Hannity is lying.  He knows exactly what he is saying.  He wants to ride the lie for as long as he can.

For the record the Clayton County Georgia GOP has passed a Resolution officially stating they are not going to let an ineligible candidate on the ballot again.


Make no mistake...the Republic known as the United States of America will stand corrected.

Pixel Patriot

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

July 28th, 2011 will forever be known as the day the Republican Party of Clayton County, GA took resolute action to bring its party back from the encroachment of tyranny:

Press Release:
July 29, 2011

"The Clayton County Republican Party held its monthly meeting yesterday evening and had a packed house that included the Executive Board of the County GOP Committee along with the Chairwoman of its Thirteenth Congressional District who is also a voting member, the general membership and ten invited guests. A motion to mail the March 12, 2011 Resolution 3 along with a letter calling for a Congressional investigation into Social Security fraud on the part of Barack Obama, whose alleged SS# shows it was issued in the state of Connecticut while he was a resident of Hawaii, and another investigation into the posting, on the White House Web site of an allegedly forged Certificate of Live Birth was unanimously approved."

Carl Swensson
Chairman, Clayton County, GA GOP


Mr. Swensson began sending out the Resolution along with the letter of demand for Congressional investigations on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 by certified mail to U.S. Congressman Tom Price (R) and U.S. Congressman David Scott (D), both from the State of Georgia. Additionally, a copy was sent to U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa (R) who is Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Mr. Swensson continues:

“The effort now shifts focus to the Secretary of the Clayton County Republican Party who will be addressing the rest of the envelopes for delivery to everyone cited in the Resolution.

This effort by the Clayton County, GA Republican Party is just a bit different in that an entire county’s Republican Party is backing this effort and by default, the State as well. Yes, the State GOP is going to have a fit since this puts them in the unenviable position of either supporting these reasonable efforts or disowning an entire County Party. Either way, we will not back down.

The entire action ties together the need to resolve the crimes of Obama and the need to preclude this from ever happening again, in our State, by the enactment of the Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act which; along with the attached letter and Resolution will be mailed to our State Representatives and Governor in time for the Georgia Special Legislative Session and the Pitchfork Rally (my effort alone and not yet brought up to the rank and file county Republican membership) at the Georgia Capitol on August 15th at 10am.”

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